Nitro Tech Muscle Tech Hardcore Pro Series - RM175.00
Scientifically Advanced Musclebuilding Whey Protein Formula. The scientifically advanced Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula is a fast-absorbing whey protein supplement that was built upon, and far surpasses, the tried and true capabilities of whey protein! And with 25% more protein than the previous formula, you’re bound to be in the fast lane to building huge muscle!
- Research Shows a Gain of 73% More Lean Muscle than Whey Protein Users
- Delivers 11 grams of Leucine and 13 grams of Additional BCAAs with Every Maxed-Out Daily Dose
- Gain 143% More Muscle Strength than Using Whey Protein
- Scientifically Shown to Be Dramatically Superior to Whey Protein
Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series – Scientifically Superior to Whey Protein
Introducing Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series, a Scientifically Advanced Musclebuilding Protein Forula. Backed by a portion of a multimillion-dollar research and development budget, the Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series formula was ingeniously formulated to build upon the muscle and strength-building properies of whey protein – makeing it a truly technologically advanced musclebuilding whey protein formulation!
Unparalleled Gains in Dense Muscle with Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series
Unparalleled Gains in Dense Muscle with Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series
Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series is mega-dosed with multiple anabolic agents to deliver rapid and dramatic muscle gains for bodybuilders and athletes of all levels. In fact, advanced Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is now loaded with 25 percent more protein than the pervious version and delivers 11 grams of leucine and 13 grams of additional BCAAs with every maxed-out daily dose! In addition, a key ingredient in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series features Micro-Diffuse™ Technology, designed to increase the dissolution of a critical anabolic agent by drastically reducing the size of the particles. Driven by the anabolic muscle building power of SynthePro®, and featuring state-of-the-art blends Nitroxen® and Insulogen®, Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series is truly a scientifically advanced muscle building protein formula.
Directions: Add 1 to 2 servings (1 to 2 scoops) of Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series to 4 to 8 oz of cold water or skim milk and mix. For maximum results, consume 2 servings of Nitro-Tech® Hardcore Pro Series 3 times daily for 6 weeks.